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DevOpsDays Zürich

Privacy Policy DevOpsDays Zurich

Privacy Policy DevOpsDays Zurich



We take the privacy of users of our website as well as of our conference participants, speakers, partners and staff very seriously and are committed to protecting the information you provide to us in connection with your use of our website ( and/or our digital assets published on this web site [collectively, from now on referred to as services]. Further, we are committed to protecting and using your information in accordance with applicable law and not for additional purposes.


This Privacy Policy explains our practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your information through the use of our digital assets when you access the services through your devices, as well as by providing our services to you. This privacy policy is designed in particular to meet the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Swiss Data Protection Act (DPA), whereby it is determined on a case-by-case basis whether and which legal bases are applicable.


Please read the Privacy Policy carefully and make sure you fully understand our practices regarding your information before using our services. If you have read this policy, fully understand it, and do not agree with our practices, you must stop using our digital assets and services or contact us. We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy from time to time where necessary. Here you will find the current binding version of our privacy policy. 


For providing our services, we may refer to websites of third parties. Data is only transferred when you click on these links and are redirected to the corresponding website of the third party. In this case the privacy policy of the third party comes into effect and is no longer within our control.

Data Controller

The data controller for the data processing is:

DevOps Switzerland
Im Sandbühl 17
8620 Wetzikon


Which Categories of personal data do we process?

We process the following categories of personal data:

  • Contact details (name, e-mail, phone, address)

  • Username and password

  • Information about your company, your position and title

  • Identification and background information

  • Financial information

  • Information you provide to us (e.g. about your background, your talk as a speaker etc.)

  • Information via log files, cookies and plugins

When and for what purposes do we collect and process personal data?
We our third parties collect and process personal data as follows:

  • For the operation of our Website, digital assets and apps (via log files, cookies, analysis tools, contact form and other technical aids that are necessary for the operation of the website)

  • To provide and operate our services, business relationship: If you register or apply for a devopsdays event/conference as speaker, participant or staff

  • Sending information regarding our services and events: To send you updates, informations about events and changes, our products and services

  • Partnership: When you work together with us (e.g. as a sponsor, parter)

  • Sign-in: We collect data that you provide to us when you sign in to our services through a third-party provider such as Sessionize or Google, or when you sign in with your personal e-mail-address

  • Communication: To respond to your feedback, requests and inquiries, as well as to provide assistance

  • When you apply to support our organisation as a volunteer and to conduct this relationship


  • Marketing and Communication: To provide you with updates, news, promotional materials and other information related to our services. For promotional emails, you can choose whether you want to continue receiving them. If not, simply click the unsubscribe link in those emails. We may also produce photos and videos during our conferences

  • To develop, customise and improve our services or for our internal, statistical and research purposes or to analyse requests and usage patterns

  • Maintaining our operations: for our internal business infrastructure

  • Billing: We process financial information such as payment information

  • Data security: For system security and stability, especially of our website, digital assets and apps as well as for our fraud prevention capabilities

  • Retention: We will retain the information you provide and we create about you as part of our services for no longer than the retention periods stated below in the chapter *How long will the data be retained?*

  • Legal requirements: To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations

  • Legal cases: To investigate violations and enforce our terms and policies and to comply with applicable law, regulation or governmental request


On what legal basis do we process personal data?

We process personal data for the purposes mentioned above on the basis of the following:

  • To fulfil our (pre-)contractual obligations (e.g. to hold and manage our conference), 

  • to protect our legitimate interests (in order to be able to carry out activities and provide you with the necessary digital platforms, to communicate about our services, to ensure information security and protection against misuse as well to assert, implement or defend legal claims or (in) legal proceedings), 

  • to comply with legal and regulatory obligations (e.g. obligation to keep records) 

  • and/or based on your consent (e.g. using third-party platforms, and sending marketing messages). 


Who do we share this data with?

We may share your information with our service providers to operate our services (e.g. hosting services, technical support, accounting, event organisers, audio- and video conferencing platforms, e-mail and IT providers). Please contact us, if you would like more information about our service providers and their privacy practices.


We may also disclose your information to domestic and foreign authorities, agencies, courts or other parties in legal proceedings and vendors in the following circumstances:


  1. to investigate, detect, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities or other misconduct

  2. to establish or exercise our rights of defence

  3. to protect our rights, property or personal safety or the safety of our users or the public

  4. in the event of a change of control of us or any of our affiliates (by way of a merger, acquisition or purchase of (substantially all of) our assets, among other things)

  5. to collect, maintain and/or manage your information through authorised third-party vendors (e.g., cloud service providers), as appropriate for business purposes

  6. to work with third party providers to improve your user experience. For the avoidance of doubt, we would like to point out that we may transfer or disclose non-personal data to third parties or otherwise use it at our discretion


Where do we store the data?

Non-personal data

Please note that our businesses and our trusted partners and service providers are located around the world. For the purposes explained in this Privacy Policy, we store and process any non-personal data we collect in different jurisdictions.


Personal Data

In the course of providing the Services, Personal Data may be maintained, processed and stored outside Switzerland/EEA/EU, specifically in the United States, Ireland, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel, and to the extent necessary for the proper provision of our Services and/or required by law (as further explained below) in other jurisdictions.


In most cases, you will access the platforms of our service providers directly (without our forwarding) (e.g. to apply as a speaker for our event on a third-party-platform). With your use of these platforms and thus your active action, you consent to your personal data being disclosed to these service providers, that your personal data may be processed in countries without an adequate level of data protection and that you are aware of the associated risks. Please contact us using the contact details mentioned at the beginning of this policy if you do not agree with the choice of our service providers and would prefer an alternative solution.


How long will the data be retained?

Please note that we will retain the data we collect for as long as necessary to provide our services, comply with our legal and contractual obligations to you, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements (from date of collection, usually max. 10-20 years, up to 12 months for cookies and log files). As soon as your personal data is no longer necessary for our purposes, it will be deleted or anonymised as far as possible. We may correct, amend or delete inaccurate or incomplete data at any time at our sole discretion.

How do we protect the data?

The hosting service for our digital assets provides us with the online platform through which we can offer you our services. Your data can be stored through our hosting provider's data storage, databases and general applications. It stores your data on secure servers behind a firewall and it provides secure HTTPS access to most areas of its services.


Notwithstanding the measures and efforts taken by us and our hosting provider, we cannot and do not guarantee absolute protection and security of the data you upload, post or otherwise share with us or others. For this reason, we ask that you establish strong passwords and, whenever possible, do not provide us or others with confidential information that you believe could cause you significant or lasting harm if disclosed. In addition, because e-mail and instant messaging are not considered secure forms of communication, we ask that you do not share confidential information through either of these communication channels.

How do we deal with minors?

Children can use our services. However, if they want access to certain features, they may have to provide certain information. The collection of some data (including data collected through cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies) may be automatic. If we knowingly collect, use, or disclose information collected from a child, we will provide notice and obtain parental consent in accordance with applicable law. We do not condition a child's participation in an online activity on the child providing more contact information than is reasonably necessary to participate in that activity. We will only use the information we collect in connection with the services the child has requested.


We may also use a parent's contact information to communicate about the child's activities in the Services. Parents may review data we have collected from their child, prohibit us from collecting any more data from their child, and request that any data we have collected be deleted from our records.


Please contact us to view, update, or delete your child's information. To protect your child, we may ask for proof of your identity. We may deny you access to the data if we believe your identity is questionable. Please note that certain data cannot be deleted due to other legal obligations.


Obligation to provide personal data

Generally, you have no legal obligation to provide us with your personal data. However, we need certain personal data from you for the business relationship with us. This is the only way we can get in touch with you and provide you with the best possible service. Without this personal data, we will generally not be in a position to respond to your requests and/or to conclude a contract with you (or the body/person you represent) and/or to fulfil our contractual obligations. In order for you to visit our website, we also need certain data from you (e.g. IP address).

Profiling and automated decision making

We do not use automated decision making or profiling to inform you about our services or to send you advertising.


What are your rights?

Unless required for legal obligations and/or law enforcement, as an EU resident, you may:

  • request confirmation as to whether or not and how personal data relating to you is being processed and request access to your stored personal data and certain additional information

  • request to receive personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format

  • request the correction of your personal data stored by us

  • request the deletion of your personal data, 

  • object to the processing of your personal data by us and revoke your consent at any time and without giving reasons, in particular for the purposes of direct marketing, profiling carried out for this purpose and other overriding private interests in processing.The revocation applies to all future processing of the personal data concerned

  • request the restriction of the processing of your personal data

  • file a complaint with a supervisory authority (in Switzerland with the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (


Please be aware that, based on the above mentioned, we may no longer be able to carry out your order and/or to provide the services to you if your personal data is deleted, indispensable or restricted based on your request. 


As we do not share your e-mail-address or other personal information with any advertisers or advertising networks without your consent, you are not affiliated with any advertising service. We also do not sell your personally identifiable information for the intent and purposes of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).


Please note, however, that these rights are not unlimited and may be subject to our own legitimate interests and regulatory requirements. Exercising such a right usually requires that you can clearly prove your identity (for example, by means of a copy of your ID card, where your identity cannot otherwise be verified). 


Rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act

If you are a California resident using the Services, then you may be entitled under the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA") to request access to and deletion of your information.


If you have general questions about the personal information we collect and how we use it or want to exercise your rights, please contact us using the contact details mentioned at the beginning of this policy.


When accessing our website, certain data is automatically transferred by your internet browser and stored by us in log files:

  • IP address

  • Date and time of server request

  • Browser settings, browser type and version

  • Content of the request (specific page)

  • Access status/HTTP status code

  • Information transferred about operating system

  • Name of the retrieved file

  • Time difference to Greenwich Mean Time


Cookies and similar technologies

When you visit or access our Services, we may authorise third parties to use web beacons, cookies, pixel tags, scripts, and other technologies and analytics services. These Tracking Technologies may allow third parties to automatically collect your information to improve the navigation experience on our digital assets, optimise their performance and provide a customised user experience, as well as for security and fraud prevention purposes.


In order to increase your privacy while accessing our services we activate a cookie banner on our web site.

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