06 - 07 May 2026 | Alte Kaserne Winterthur
DevOpsDays is a self-organizing conference for DevOps practitioners and enthusiasts. The conference is funded and supported by the sponsors. Essentially, the companies which are successful today and want to support tomorrows ideas when it comes to connecting functional silos. We do not have vendor booths, sell product presentations, or distribute attendee contact lists. Sponsors will get recognition on the website and social media before, during and after the event. Sponsors are encouraged to represent themselves by actively participating and engaging with the attendees as peers. Any attendee also has the opportunity to demo products/projects as part of an open space session.
We do not sell or bundle speaker spots as part of any Sponsoring activities with our conference. Do not ask for it. We don’t do it. No DevOpsDays conference does it. Never. Period.
We encourage everyone, including Sponsor employees, to take part in our open Call for Proposals process. However, working (or any other relation) to a Sponsor does not result in preferences or disadvantages in our selection process.
We do not sell or distribute attendee information. Do not ask for it. We don’t do it. No DevOpsDays conference does it. Never. Period.
Sponsors are encouraged to represent themselves by actively participating and engaging with the attendees as peers (e.g. via proposing OpenSpace topics). Any Sponsor is free to collect attendee information with mutual consensus at their booth.
Are you looking for maximum visibility and exposure as sponsor of DevOpsDays Zurich?
Then we recommend the Gold package including a booth space in the event hall, 1-minute pitch at the event, participation in sponsor bingo, and premium position on our websites.
Do you want a stage at the evening event and support the leisure part of DevOpsDays Zurich?
Sponsoring the evening event comes with a prominent place for your logo, a 1-minute pitch at the evening event, and coverage on our websites and social media.
Do you want to present your products & services and engage with the crowd at DevOpsDays Zurich?
Your best choice is the Silver package including a booth space in the foyer of the venue that you can use at your discretion, participation in the sponsor bingo, and coverage on our websites and social media.
How about supporting the culinary side of DevOpsDays Zurich?
Become the Coffee, Meal or Snack Sponsor and bring your branded coffee cups and napkins. The package includes a 1-minute pitch at the event plus coverage on our websites and social media channels.
You want support DevOpsDays Zurich, but you don't need a booth at the event?
Choose the Bronze package and be mentioned on our websites and social media.

Subscribe for updates on future DevOpsDays
Thanks for your interest in sponsoring our conference! In the last years our sponsorship packages got sold out very quick, as we sell them on a first-come, first-serve order. If you want to be informed, when we publish our sponsorship packages for the next conference, so that you are ahead of the crowd, please register yourself to our sponsor mailling list below: