Supporting Sustainability
At DevOpsDays Zurich, we believe that everyone can contribute to sustainability. It is important to us that we, as a conference, have as little impact as possible on the environment while ensuring our visitors have an unforgettable and awesome experience.
Here is what we do to improve the sustainability of our conference:
Minimized our use of printouts for participants and speakers
Minimized our use of packing material
Reused banners and flags
Sorted all our waste
Chose locally produced, vegan food for our lunches and breaks
Used paper bags for speaker gifts
We will plant trees for every participant
We are aware that the largest CO2 emissions are caused by air travel. Therefore, we have made it our goal to decrease the CO2 emissions caused by flights our speakers take to the DevOpsDays year by year. That's why we calculate the miles they've flown and will make the statistics transparent during the conference!
Of course, as a visitor, you can also contribute to a sustainable conference. We therefore encourage you to:
Travel by public transport and not use a private car
If you have to travel by private car, take passengers with you (car sharing)
If you are coming from Europe, take the train instead of flying
If you have any more suggestions or ideas, please get in touch using our contact form.
We might not have a solution in every case or right away – but you can be sure that we are passionate and eager to find one!